Water Testing
New York State & Pennsylvania
We do water testing for real estate closings for the buyer or seller. We send samples to a NY State lab for analysis and report to you and your attorney.
Health Concerns
The question of whether or not to have your water tested is a serious one that concerns the health of you and your family. The National Ground Water Association (NGWA) recommends well owners test their water at least annually for bacteria, nitrates, and any contaminants of local concern. In addition to illness, a variety of less serious problems such as taste, color, odor and staining of clothes or fixtures are symptoms of water quality problems. But not everyone needs water tests and it is impractical and unnecessary to test for all possible contaminants.
Water Testing in the Southern Tier
If water analysis indicates bacteria problems, the first step is to try to locate the source of your problem. Most bacterial problems are a result of surface water getting into your water system, we would rather fix this then just treat it. Sometimes we can not locate the problem, then we must treat it with a ultraviolet light or chlorination system.
If water analysis indicates other problems, the next step is to determine what type of system you need to treat the water. Most well water conditions are easily treated, so please call us, you don't have to just live with it.
Water Analysis & Possible Water Problems
Bacteria (general)
Bacteria (e.coli)
Colloidal Clay
Iron and/or Manganese
Ultraviolet Systems
UV System from Viqua™
Features and Benefits
• Equipped to inactivate chlorine-resistant parasites such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia, harmful bacteria like E.Coli, and viruses not visible to the naked eye.
• Lamps provide consistent and reliable ultraviolet output over the entire life of the lamp (9000 hours) to ensure continuous purification.
• The system is simple to maintain and service allowing for easy bulb replacement.
• Built with a durable stainless steel chamber to prolong life and eliminate ultraviolet light degradation.